Perform the Initial Configuration
Configure the software:
1. Login as a root user.
2. Start the CLI and enter the configuration mode.
root# cli
root@> configure
3. Set the root authentication password.
root@# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password: password
Retype new password: password
You can also set an encrypted password or an SSH public key string (DSA or RSA) instead of a clear-text password.
4. Create a management console user account.
root@ set system login user-name authentication plain-text-password
New password: password
Retype new password: password
5. Set the user account class to super-user.
root@# set system login user user-name class super-user
6. Configure the name of the host. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks (“ ”).
root@# set system host-name host-name
7. Configure the host domain name