Bas ic information
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 26 / 118
Slaves are Sonos devices in a Sonos group for which only limited control is pos s ible. If a Sonos device is in a
s lave role, then it is only pos s ible to control the volume for this device on an individual bas is . If the Sonos
device is als o configured as a mas ter in a mas ter-s lave group, the use of the master functions ' communica-
tion objects may be limited; als o s ee
Table 5: Overview of a Sonos device's behaviour in the role of a s lave
It is also pos s ible to us e the communication object <<Slave <n> – Switch
group as s ociation>> to remove the device from the Sonos group. It then takes on the role of a mas ter, which
does not neces s arily need to be configured as one of the KNX Sonos Gateway's masters . A s tereo pair can
als o adopt the role of s lave.
If the Sonos devices in several rooms are part of a mas ter-s lave group, they behave as one room with regard
to control.
You will find the differences in controlling a Sonos device as a master or s lave in
Table 5 de-
s cribes the behaviour which a Sonos device dis plays in its role as a s lave if you us e master functions .
Table 4: Overview of the differences between master and sla ve
Music playback
Adjust volume
Control slaves
Trans mit commands
s uch as Play, Paus e,
Stop, Next track.
Select s ource of mus ic
playback, e.g. select a
playlis t.
Set volume (abs olute or
A master-s lave group's
volume is controlled us ing
the group volume.
A master s pecifies the
mus ic for the s laves in its
mas ter-s lave group.
The master's mus ic
A master-s lave group's
volume is controlled us ing
the group volume.
However, a s lave's volume
can be s et on an individual
bas is .
Risk of confusion
Sonos devices can als o be assembled in groups or stereo pairs in the Sonos s oftware. The
Sonos device in the Sonos software to which you add other Sonos devices when creating a
group takes on the role of the mas ter while the added Sonos devices adopt the role of s lave.
Group creation in the Sonos software thus als o has an effect on a Sonos device's available func-
tions in master-s lave groups .