Art. No. DS 4092 TS Extension function Value transmitter / Scene extension
For each input whose function is set to "Value transmitter", the ETS indicates either a 1-byte or
a 2-byte object. The data format of the value object is dependent on the set function of the value
transmitter. The "Function as" parameter on the parameter page "Ix - General" (x = 1, 2, 3)
defines the function on one of the following value transmitter applications...
Dimming value transmitter (1-byte),
Temperature value transmitter (2-bytes),
Brightness value transmitter (2-bytes),
Light scene extension without memory function (1-byte),
Light scene extension with memory function (1-byte).
The dimming value transmitter, temperature and brightness value transmitter different in data
format and in the range of values. The independent function of the light scene extension is
special and is described below.
Dimming value transmitter, temperature and brightness value transmitter
In the function as a dimming value transmitter, the input can transmitted unformatted integers in
the range 0 ... 255 to the bus. As a brightness value transmitter, the input transmits formatted
floating point values in the range 0 … 1500 Lux and, as a temperature value transmitter, in the
range 0 … 40 °C. The following table shows a summary of the value ranges of the value
encoders. The values to be transmitted are configured in the ETS and can be adjusted later
during device operation (see value adjustment below).
The edge evaluation of the device means that it can transmit values only on a rising edge, only
on a falling edge or on a rising and falling edge. In this way, it is possible to make adjustments
to the contact connected at the input (pushbutton as NC contact or NO contact and switch).
Value transmitter type
Limit value lower
Limit value upper
Dimming value transmitter
0 ... 255
Temperature value transmitter
Temperature value
0 °C
40 °C
Brightness value transmitter
Brightness value
0 lux
1,500 lux
Value ranges of dimming value transmitter, temperature and brightness value transmitter
Value adjustment for dimming value transmitter, temperature and brightness value transmitter
With the dimming value transmitter and the temperature and brightness value transmitter, the
value to be transmitted can be adjusted at any time during device operation. A value adjustment
can only be configurable in the ETS when the value is to be transmitted only on a rising edge or
only on a falling edge, i.e. a pushbutton is connected to the input.
A value adjustment is introduced by a long signal at the input (> 5 s) and continues for as long
as the signal is detected as active, i.e. the pushbutton is actuated. With the first adjustment after
commissioning, the value programmed by the ETS is increased cyclically by the step width
configured for the dimming value transmitter and transmitted. The step width of the
temperature value transmitter (1 °C) and the brightness value transmitter (50 Lux) is
permanently defined. The previously transmitted value is saved after releasing the pushbutton.
The next long pushbutton actuation adjusts the saved value and the direction of the value
adjustment changes.
The time between two telegrams on adjusting values can be configured in the ETS.
Example of value adjustment (figure 37):
- Function as dimming value transmitter
- Transmit value on = Rising edge
- Value configured in the ETS for rising edge = 17
- Step width = 5
Page 82 of 143
Software "Rotary sensor with extensions 10FE1x"
Functional description