8 Handling
Special installation situations
When measuring temperatures below the ambient temperature, it is important to prevent condensate for-
mation in the area of the electrical connection. Mount the line inputs and sealing areas such that any
condensate that is formed can drain away.
When routing the connection line, likewise bear in mind the possibility of moisture forming (from conden-
sation, rainfall, etc.). Moisture must not be allowed to form permanently on the cable fitting.
Always install the thermometers upright as far as possible, and no further than ±70° from vertical. This
will mitigate any negative effects from oscillations and/or vibrations. Always avoid the use of internal
components where the terminal head or line output is located underneath the measurement tip. Probes
with a short insertion length have smaller degrees of freedom (i.e. their susceptibility to oscillations) and
are therefore preferable with a view to mitigating vibrations.