Menu functions
Eprog : 50.0°C
IntAct : 24.7°C
Power : 80 %
Control : intern
After returning the LCD display to standard display by pressing
the temperature value adjusted and set on the external voltage or
current source is displayed in line 1
(Example: Eprog : 50.00
This EPROG input enables the use of different voltage and current
values as program parameters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V
2 4 6 8 10
18 20 mA
L Value“ - Setting the LOW value:
(See below
1) Adjust and set the lowest desired value on the voltage or
current source resp. (Example A: 1 V).
Wait appr. 30 seconds.
2) Assign a lower temperature threshold value to this adjusted
voltage/current value by pressing the appropriate buttons on the
keypad of the instrument (Example A: 20
C ) and set by
pressing enter
„H Value“ - Setting the HIGH value:
(See below
1) Adjust and set the highest desired value on the voltage or
current source resp. (Example A: 10 V).
Wait appr. 30 seconds.
2) Assign an upper temperature threshold value to this adjusted
voltage/current value by pressing the appropriate buttons on the
keypad of the instrument
(Example A: 200
C) and set by pressing enter
Return to the standard display by pressing
Example B in the diagram serves to illustrate that the end point
values are freely selectable (Ex: 8 mA and 16 mA).
>Value as: Setpoint
Signal : Voltage
L Value : 20.0°C
H Value : 200.0°C
Setpoint: 152.0°C
Eprog : 152.00°C
IntAct : 50.76°C
Power : 100 %
Control : intern
Example out of diagram A:
Adjusting the voltage source for an output of 7.6 V!
Line 5 of the LCD DIALOG-DISPLAY shows the externally set setpoint
value. The instrument calculates this value from the rise angle of the two
pre-decided end points (in example A: 7.6 V correspond to an external
setpoint temperature of 152.0
C ).
After returning the LCD display to standard display by pressing
this value is displayed in line 1
(Example: EPROG 152.00
If this adjustment is not correctly performed at two different points, the setpoint setting
will be incorrect.
The usable temperature range between >
L Value
< and >
H Value
< is limited to the
configured working temperature range of the Cryo-Compact Circulator resp. of the unit
combination (working temperature range see technical specifications on page 11)