Putting the fibre point pen in place
- Lift the plate’s pointer,
- Insert the end of the pointer into the fibre point pen’s slide rail up to the stop.
- Remove the cap by pulling and turning it at the same time.
- Do not place the point of the fibre point pen in contact with the fingers.
- Gently place the pointer on the diagram again.
Installing the diagram for a battery operated mechanism
- Release the pointer from the diagram
- Unscrew the knurled nut
- Place the diagram on the drive’s axis
- Insert the diagram under the tabs foreseen to hold it
- Tighten the nut, the knurled part toward the outside, up to the stop.
- Gently bring the pointer on the diagram
Connecting the recorders to an outside power supply
- First check to make sure that the power supply’s voltage complies with specified on the appliance’s
rating plate.
- Connect the power supply’s cables with 3 connectors (the green / yellow wire is to be earthen for
- Firmly hold the case in one hand and, with the other, pull the mechanism
(2) axis toward the outside by alternatively swinging up and down to
release it from its base.
- Change the battery located behind the mechanism, replace the
mechanism in its case up to the stop.
For two-speed versions, the mechanism thus taken out allows access to
speed-changing lever.
- Tighten the nut, the knurled part toward the outside, up to the stop.
To set the time, turn the milled axis clockwise by using the end of the fibre
point pen as a mark. This direction is imperative to eliminate the
looseness in the clockwork mechanism.