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6. How do i de-activate the slideControl Feature?
to de-activate the slidecontrol, slide the handlebar away from the track end-caps. Insert a small screwdriver
into the groove at the far end of the top and bottom track end-caps and push up/down to release the string
anchors. the handlebar will now retract.
7. How do i replace the screen mesh?
replacement screen kits are available in the event that the screen mesh is accidentally damaged. Vinyl splines
attached to each side of the mesh make attaching the handlebar and the screen-roll an easy Do-It-yourself
job. to ensure you select the correct size, just measure the height of the screen housing. the ready to install
mesh does not require cutting to size or adhesive tape. Just follow the easy to read instructions that come
with the kit. It should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes and can be done with one flat screwdriver.
8. How do i remove the handlebar?
First de-activate the slidecontrol (see FaQ#6). twist off the housing by rotating it outward at the top and
bottom. slide the handlebar through the mounting plate end-caps to remove the handlebar.
FOR dOUBle dOOR insTallaTiOn PURCHase 2 sCReens.
2 screens FIt DouBle Door oPenIngs uP to 8
” (20
MM) WIDe. 1 screen FIts oPenIngs uP to 4
” (10
6MM) WIDe.
All parts for double door installation are included.