8.1 Obtaining a printable model
The easiest way to get started with 3D printing is to
find models on the internet
- they are usually
in .3mf, .stl or .obj formats. Fortunately, 3D printing has many fans, so there are sites from which you
can download a large variety of ready-made 3D models for free. These range from a simple playing
dice to a detailed figure from a favorite movie, game or TV series. You can also download mechanical
parts, RC model accessories, household items and much more. You can
visit our own community
- it’s our brand new community hub for all Prusa 3D printer owners! It
has a ton of cool features and plenty of amazing models for you to print.
3D models are very often free to download under the Creative Commons - Attribution -
Non-Commercial (Models not to be used commercially, you must always include the name of the
author) or for a small fee. We have selected the most interesting sites:
However, models in .stl, .obj or similar formats
cannot be 3D printed directly.
First, they need to be
“sliced” (converted) into a G-code file,
which is then placed onto a USB drive. Connect the USB
drive with a sliced project into the printer and select the model to print from the Print menu. Please
see the chapters
8.3 What is a G-code file?
8.4 PrusaSlicer
for more information.
8.2 Creating your own models
To create a 3D model, you need a dedicated program - a 3D editor. There are a number of various
3D programs and your choice will usually depend on what type of model you wish to create.