Aircraft Flight Manual
Issue: 01
Rev. 00
Rev. Date: 14-Feb-20
Page 1
Descriptive data
The JS-MD 3 is a high-performance single-seat aircraft of conventional
layout with a T-tail. Two wingspan configurations (15 m and 18 m) can
be selected, both of which feature full-span flaperons.
The cockpit is designed to protect the pilot in the event of a crash. Safety
features include a crumple zone in the forward structure. The wing
structure consists of spar caps made of carbon fibre rovings and skins of
carbon fibre fabric. The wings are connected with a tongue and fork
arrangement, secured with one main pin. The airbrakes are a triple blade
design on the upper surface of the wing.
Boundary layer control is achieved on the main wing bottom surfaces,
the horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin. All control surface hinge gaps are
sealed with Mylar strips and Teflon-coated tape.
The water ballast system consists of two main tanks and two trim tanks
in the vertical fin. Each main tank is integral to a wing and can hold
approximately 78 litres of water. The tail ballast tanks consist of an
expendable tank of approximately 5.8 litres and a non-expendable tank
of approximately 8.9 litres. The 18 m wing tips feature additional integral
tanks, with a capacity of approximately 17 litres each. The landing gear
consists of a 5-inch retractable sprung main landing gear with a
pneumatic retractable tail wheel.
All controls are automatically connected during rigging.
A retractable Jet engine, approved for sustained flight, can be fitted