No. 8 Middle Road Guoxiang Bridge Lanjiang Street Yuyao Zhejiang China
The cable connections that we have described in the previous section can be made in several possible
ways and thus the application for which the RJ45 cable is to be used is varied. The ways to connect them are:
>Direct: the same order of pins is respected at both ends, that is, it will connect the same in the two
RJ45s that we have in a cable. In this case, devices that are unequal can be connected, for example a PC
and a switch, or a PC and a hub, etc.
> Crossed: very popular in applications to connect two equal devices in a network to be able to transmit
data between them without an intermediate device. For example, you could connect two PCs directly through
their network cards with a crossover cable. To do this, the RX and TX cables must be crossed, so that when one
PC transmits through the TX it receives the other PC through RX, and vice versa.
5 .Web Settings
5. 1 Browser configuration
When the device and your computer are successfully connected to the network, enter the IP address of the
device's WAN port on the browser (the IP address of the device can be obtained through the IP scanning tool), you can see Go to the login screen of the web management interface (as shown below).
Enter the user name and password and click the [Login] button to enter the setting screen.
If you have not saved your changed settings, you will revert to the previously unaltered state the next time you
turn it on. To save your settings, after changing the settings, click the Save button in the configuration file under
Manage Settings to save your settings. In this process, the device does not need to be rebooted to take effect.
5.2 Default password
The browser settings of the device can be divided into two login modes: user mode and administrator mode.
In administrator mode, all options can be viewed and modified. In user mode, only the SIP can be modified. )
options and the address and port of the server.
When the device enters a password prompt, entering different information will enter a different mode: