FORM 150.66-NM1 (708)
1. Floor or steel frame should be level and smooth.
2. For pad installations, isolators do not normally
require bolting. If necessary, anchor isolators to
fl oor through bolt holes in the base plate.
Isolators must be bolted to the sub-
structure and the equipment must be
bolted to the isolators when outdoor
equipment is exposed to wind forces.
3. Lubricate the threads of adjusting bolt. Loosen the
hold down bolts to allow for isolator adjustment.
4. Block the equipment 10mm (1/4”) higher than
the specifi ed free height of the isolator. To use
the isolator as blocking for the equipment, insert
a 10mm (1/4”) shim between the upper load plate
and vertical uprights. Lower the equipment on the
blocking or shimmed isolators.
5. Complete piping and fi ll equipment with water,
refrigerant, etc.
6. Turn leveling bolt of fi rst isolator four full revolu-
tions and proceed to each mount in turn.
7. Continue turning leveling bolts until the equipment
is fully supported by all mountings and the equip-
ment is raised free of the spacer blocks or shims.
Remove the blocks or shims.
8. Turn the leveling bolt of all mountings in either
direction in order to level the installation.
9. Tighten the nuts on hold down bolts to permit a
clearance of 2mm (1/8”) between resilient washer
and underside of channel cap plate.
10. Installation is now complete.