1. Insta ll the u nit at th e air in let so
that th e air flo ws smo othly a nd the
noise is lowe r.
2. The noise value v aries w ith the
length .
3. The hose j oint sh ould be bent le st
detac hment of the p ipe.
1. Install the unit at a diffuser so
that the air flows smoothly and the
noise is lower.
2. Select 1BY2 or 1BY3 according
to the quantity of the diffusers.
3. The diffuser pipes should
preferably have the same length
after branching, and the minimum
length of the ventilation pipes is 5m.
1. Fixed model that diffuses air at
2. The outline size should increase
when the air volume is over
(for above
, i.e.,
when about 9 diffusers are
required, the outline size should
3. The diffuser pipes should
preferably have the same length
after branching, and the minimum
length of the ventilation pipes is 5m.
Material name
Material name
1. F ixe d m ode l tha t dif fus es a ir at a
an gle .
2. T he o utli ne s ize sho uld inc rea se
wh en t he a ir vo lum e is o ver
CM H. ( for a bov e 3
3), i .e. , Wh en
ab out 9 di ffus ers are req uir ed, the
out line siz e sh oul d in cre ase .
3. P rop er a ir sp eed : Fo r air spe ed o f
ove r 2- 3.5 m/s , se lec t oth er d iffu ser s
(w ith g rea ter n ois e).
4. In sta ll th e di ffus er p ipe if it is
nec ess ary to in sta ll th e m ode l of
ove r 3.5 m/s .
5. F or p urp ose of c ool ing -on ly m ode l
1 The lengthwise adjustable model
which diffuses air at a
2. With the change of the cooling/
heating air flow, the horizontal and
vertical distance of the fan can be
adjusted (applicable to department
store and exhibition hall where the
decorative effect is essential).
1. Low noise compared with other
air outlets. Applicable to tall
buildings that require a long
distance of air conditioning.
2. Select the ventilation pipe
connection calibre according to the
distance and the air speed.
3. Applicable to storey height of over
5m (for design of tall storeys such
as temple, consult manfacturer).
1. T he f an i s th e ad jus tab le ty pe
wh ich can ch ang e di rec tion of a ir
flow . It is use d fo r de lux e de cor atio n.
2. T he o utli ne s ize sho uld inc rea se
wh en t he a ir vo lum e is o ver
CM H. ( 3 or 4S OLT ) W hen ab out
6 d iffu ser s ar e re qui red , the ou tlin e
siz e sh oul d in cre ase .
3. If the pro pe r air spe ed i s 2. 5 5m /s
an d ac tua l air spe ed r eac hes ov er
5m /s, i t is n ece ssa ry to ch oos e ot her
diff use rs (w ith h igh er n ois e va lue s).
1. Low noise compared with other
air outlets. Applicable to tall
buildings that require a long distance
of air conditioning.
2. Select the ventilation pipe
connection calibre according to the
distance and the air speed.
3. Applicable to storey height of over
5m (for design of tall storeys such
as temple, consult manfacturer).
1. Flanges and pipelines connected
to the ventilation pipes.
2. When the noise pipe is connected
with the hose, the ventilation pipe
tape must be applied (otherwise,
with only adhesive tape, the
adhesion will be weakened due to
change of temperature).
1. It is use d to prev ent gla ss woo l
leak an d seal th e gas at th e time of
conne cting th e flang es and
pipeli nes of th e ventil ation p ipes.
2. Entw ine for ov er 3 circles.
3. Use ve ntilati on pipe -spec ific
tapes ( instea d of ordin ary adh esive
tapes ).
In orde r to ensu re the ins tallati on
qualit y and du rabilit y, it is necessary
to use au xiliary m ateria ls of stan dard
spec ificati ons pro vided b y
manfacturer Electr onics a nd the
auxiliary produ cts of the specified
manu factur ers.
Air inlet wooden grille
Aluminium adhesive tape
Duct wrapping tape
Air outlet wooden grille
Linear diffuser
1. Ins tall the unit at the air outlet so
that th e air flo ws smo othly a nd the
noise is lowe r.
2. The noise value v aries w ith the
length .
3. The hose j oint sh ould be bent le st
detac hment of the p ipe.
Installation Manual
and other contents
and other contents
1. Install the fillter at the main body
grille in case the storey height is low,
and at the main body of the indoor
unit in case the storey height is high.
2. It cleans conveniently at the
time of installing/uninstalling the
3. The button structure is easy to
install and uninstall.
Hose(for absorbing noise)
Hose(for general purpose)
Air inlet noise pipe
Air outlet noise pipe
Rectangular air outlet
1. For purpose of air inlet
2. Must adopt fire-resistant materials.
(Those materials other than specified
by manfacturer shall not be applied)
3. The heat insulation material must
be glass wool.
1. For purpose of air outlet
2. Must adopt fire-resistant materials.
(Those materials other than specified
by manfacturer shall not be applied)
3. The heat insulation material must
be glass wool.
Air outlet
Air outlet
Air outlet
Auxiliary materials