John Bowen Solaris – a life’s work
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John Bowen Solaris Synthesizer
Modulation Sources
Since the oscillators, mixers, insert effects, filters, LFOs and VCAs may be modulated in many parameters, the list of
the modulation sources is of great importance.
LFO 1-4
Vibrato LFO
Envelopes 1-6
Looping EG’s X axis
Looping EG’s Y axis
Note (MIDI note number)
Modulation Wheel
AT + ModWheel (sum of the two)
Ribbon 1
Ribbon 2
Joystick X axis
Joystick Y axis
CC1-CC5 (user defined controllers)
Sequencer tracks A to D
Pedals 1/2
Assign Buttons 1/2
Envelope Follower
Key Tables 1-4
Poly Aftertouch (via MIDI, unfortunately the keyboard’s AT is only monophonic)
Lag Processors 1-4
Breath Controller