John Bowen Solaris – a life’s work
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John Bowen Solaris Synthesizer
“Think of the Rotor as a 4-input mixer, that turns up one channel at a time. If sub-audio signals are fed into it, you
won’t hear anything as a contributing component to the rotor sound for those positions.
On the Solaris plug-in, I have a rotor that is disguised – it’s called a Modulation Mixer. I used it to slowly blend LFOs.
So, you could have, for example, all 4 Rotor inputs being the LFOs 1-4, and each at a different rate and shape, then
use the output to modulate things – and setting the Rotor to a very slow rate, you can have subtle variations of
modulation going on, but that would still be cyclical over the long run.” (John Bowen)
Back to the rotor being used for audio purposes. When the rotor is in the NO TRACK mode, it behaves like a slow-
playing wave sequence. Frequency control is possible (as with any LFO). If, on the other hand, NO TRACK is
disabled, the rotor functions as an oscillator – with a very unusual waveform, of course …