User Manual Ecclesia T-250 / D-350 / D-450
MIDI Specifications
This paragraph describes the specifications on the MIDI Implementation Chart in
more detail.
Default basic channels (transmitted/recognized)
Ecclesia T-250: 1: Great
Ecclesia D-350/D-450:
1: Choir
2: Swell
2: Great
3: Pedal
3: Swell
12: Stops
4: Pedal
12: Stops
Basic channel changes (transmitted)
Can be programmed through the MIDI Config. See § 5.7 MIDI Config.
Control changes (transmitted)
Controller 7 (07h) General volume, with volume values 40 (28h) - 127 (7Fh).
Controller 11 (0Bh) Swell pedal, with volume values 55 (37h) - 127 (7Fh).
Controller 6 (06h) Pitch, with pitch values (21h) - 95 (5Fh).
Pitch value 64 (40h) = a = 440Hz.
The following applies to the pitch:
LSB 100 (64h) 1 (01h) and the MSB 101 (65h) 0(00h).
Transposer, with transposer values 56 (38h) - 72 (48h).
Transposer value 64 (40h) = a = 440Hz.
The following applies to the transposer:
LSB 100 (64h) 2 (02H) and the MSB 101 (65h) 0(00h).
Control changes (recognized)
Controller 7 (07h) General volume, with volume values 0 (00h) - 127 (7Fh).
Volume values less than 40 (28h) are treated as 40 (28h).
Controller 11 (0Bh) Swell pedal, with volume values 0 (00h) - 127 (7Fh).
Volume values less than 55 (37h) are treated as 55 (37h).
Program changes (transmitted/recognized)
Organ stops: Depends on the number of stops and the sequence of stops.
MIDI stops (programmable): 1-128. See § 5.7 MIDI Config.
System exclusive messages (transmitted/recognized)
Each ‘sys ex’ (system exclusive) message largely looks the same. The first 7 bytes
and the last byte are always the same. Only the value of the 8th byte varies. This
is the ‘sys ex message’ that Johannus generally uses: F0 00 4A 4F 48 41 53 XX F7
(hexadecimal). The ‘sys ex messages’ described below only indicates the value of
the 8th byte (XX) and the output from which it is transmitted.
All stops off
The ‘all stops off’ sys ex code is 7F. This sys ex code is transmitted through the
MIDI SEQ. output when the 0 piston is pressed for a longer time. When an ‘all
stops off’ sys ex code is received, all stops on the instrument are switched off.