Ready for use
• Flashing green: Charging
• Illuminated green: Fully charged
• Flashing red: Error
Adjustable 12 V charging mode:
5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 100 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 150 Ah
Suitable for charging standard and gel batteries
12.5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 70 Ah to 250 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 70 Ah to 360 Ah
Suitable for charging standard and gel batteries
25 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 550 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 800 Ah
Suitable for charging standard and gel batteries
5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 100 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 150 Ah
Suitable for charging AGM and EFB batteries – or standard batteries at temperatures
below 5°C.
12.5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 70 Ah to 250 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries from 70 Ah to 360 Ah
Suitable for charging AGM and EFB batteries – or standard batteries at temperatures
below 5°C.
25 A
LCharging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 550 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 800 Ah
Suitable for charging AGM and EFB batteries – or standard batteries at temperatures
below 5°
5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 100 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 5 Ah to 150 Ah
Suitable for the charging of lithium batteries: LiFePO4
(no other types of lithium batteries)
12.5 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 70 Ah to 250 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 70 Ah to 360 Ah
Suitable for the charging of lithium batteries: LiFePO4 (no other types of lithium batteries)
25 A
Charging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 550 Ah
Trickle charging of 12 V batteries, 150 Ah to 800 Ah
Suitable for the charging of lithium batteries: LiFePO4(no other types of lithium batteries)
Lithium batteries are equipped with a battery management system (BMS), which can impede the start of
the charging cycle in some cases. In such cases, press and hold the Function button for 5 seconds after
setting the battery charger to lithium mode in order to initiate the charging procedure.
5 A - 12.5
A - 25 A
For standard and AGM batteries which have not been used for a long period of time and where the
battery acid has settled. CAUTION: Due to the high voltages attained during the charging cycle, the
battery must be disconnected from the vehicle for reconditioning. Reconditioning the battery with it still
connected to the vehicle could damage the vehicle electronics. (Only available in 12 V mode)
Selection button / Mode
Show Room, 12V, 24V)
Selection button / Function
(Standard-, AGM-, Lithiumbatterie mit 5/ 12,5/
25 A,