The tools in the clamp assembly kit may be fabricated if
necessary. The vise clamp consists of vise jaws with a hole
drilled 1/32 in. smaller than the diameter of the wire rope
you are working with (i.e. 1/8 in. rope - 3/32 in. hole.)
The plug driver is a metal tube with a hole in the bottom to
allow the strands of the wire rope to be shaped after the
plug has been tapped into the center of the wire rope.
1. Using the recommended vise jaws, clamp the wire rope
into a vise with the bottom edge of the black mark made
on the wire rope resting just above the vise jaws.
2. Twist the sleeve from the clamp kit onto the rope until it
is flat against the vise jaws at the mark made on the wire
3. Use a suitable tool and cut the cable as shown in the illus-
tration following. For 1/8 in. cable the recommended
length is 5/8 in. past the end of the sleeve.
4. Unlay the cable strands by gently forcing a screwdriver
between the outer strands to unlay the cable. When
done properly the outer strands will form a symmetrical
basket. Do not straighten out the spiral lay of the strands,
unlay any wires that make up the strand, or allow the
strands to cross each other inside the sleeve.
5. Install the plug supplied with the kit by placing the plug
in the center of the strands starting with the small
tapered end of the plug. Use a metal tube (plug driver)
and hammer to drive the plug into the sleeve while
assuring that the strands are spaced somewhat equally
around the plug. Drive the plug until it is firmly seated
and no more than 1/3 of the plug is visible from above
the sleeve.
6. Reclamp the assembly in the vise on the flats of the
sleeve. Using the plug driver, a metal tube or pliers, bend
the outer strands toward the center strands enough that
the socket can be slipped over all the strands.
When assembling stainless steel parts all threads must be
coated with a dry lubricant or an anti-sieze lubricant to
prevent seizing.