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Reorder: Re-establishes numerical order (1-10) of parametric EQ band
labels in order of center frequency, from low to high.
(Parametric EQ only)
All Reset: Resets all EQ bands to their default values
All Off/On: Temporarily defeats/turns on all EQ bands
EQ Select: Select an EQ to adjust from the pull-down menu (Linked
EQ’s are shown as pairs).
EQ Link: Allows Left and Right EQ Banks to be linked and adjusted
together, with identical settings.
Numerical Entry of EQ values: You can directly enter numerical values
for EQ adjustment into the following entry fields. Use the up/down
arrow icons in each field for incremental adjustment. Holding the
Shift-Key down while clicking the arrows results in finer resolution. The
following entry fields are available:
FREQ: The center frequency of the EQ band. Default values are in
accordance with ISO full octave EQ band specifications: 31, 63, 125,
250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16000 Hz. These values are
fixed in Graphic EQ mode and variable in Parametric EQ mode.
“Q”: The shape of the EQ filter response. Lower “Q” values result
in wider bandwidth EQ filter response. Higher “Q” values result
in narrower bandwidth EQ filter response. This value is fixed in
Graphic EQ mode and variable in Parametric EQ mode from 0.26
to 10. Default value is 1.41.
Gain: The amount of amplitude boost or cut applied through the
selected filter, expressed in decibels and adjustable from +6 dB to
–12 dB. Default value is 0 dB. This control is available in Graphic
and Parametric EQ modes.
Manual EQ adjustment on the display graph: The Graphic EQ
uses familiar “slider” control graphics. In Parametric EQ mode, the
numbered, round EQ Band labels on the display graph can be directly
selected and moved using the mouse/touchpad. The graph will display
the resulting effect on frequency response in real time. The resulting
value changes will also be reflected in the EQ numerical entry fields.
Manual commands:
Left Click and Hold, then Drag Up/Down for Boost/Cut
Left Click and Hold, then Drag Left/Right to change Center
Frequency (Parametric EQ only)
Right Click and Hold, then Drag Up/Down or Left/Right to change
“Q” (Parametric EQ only)
Left Click to select multiple EQ bands. These can then be
adjusted together.