background image

SB-D-MGACAB/10W6v3_INSTR_SKU# 011217 


You have completed the installation for this model!

Please refer to the Power Recommendation section for an 
amplifier recommendation and basic set-up help.

S T E P   1 4

Use scissors to clean up the carpet’s edge.


Mount the folding floor extensions.

S T E P   1 3

The passenger’s side folding floor extension will only need to 
be cut on the rear corner, driver’s side.  

If the folding floor extensions are to be retained, they will 
need to be permanently modified, follow STEPS 12-14.  
If they are not to be retained, 


You have completed the installation for this model!

S T E P   1 2


The driver's side folding floor extension will need to be cut 
across the entire rear section. As in the picture, use the metal 
framing as a cutting guide. 

Page 3 • JL Audio, Inc 2014

All specifications are subject to change without notice. “JL Audio®” and the JL Audio logo, “Stealthbox” and the Stealthbox logo are registered 

trademarks of JL Audio, Inc. “Ahead of the Curve” and its respective logo is a trademark of JL Audio, Inc. 


 •  Printed in USA  •  ©2005 JL Audio, Inc.  •  U.S. PATENTS:  #5,734,734  #5,949,898  #6,118,884  #6,229,902  #6,243,479  

#6,294,959  #6,501,844  #6,496,590  #6,441,685  #5,687,247  #6,219,431  #6,625,292  #D472,891  #D480,709  Other U.S. & Foreign patents pending. 

For more detailed information please visit us online at

(954) 443-1100

w w w. j l a u d i o . c o m

1 0 3 6 9   N O R T H   C O M M E R C E   P A R K W A Y     •     M I R A M A R ,   F L O R I D A     •     3 3 0 2 5     •     U S A

I N C L U D E D   H A R D W A R E



 3/8-inch - 16  x  2-1/2-inch Socket Cup Screw 


 3/8-inch Hex Nut


 3/8-inch  x 2-inch Fender Washer


 3/8-inch  USS Flat Washer         




 3/8-inch Split Lock Washer  



Enclosure Type:

 Acoustic Suspension (sealed)

Driver Type:

 Two 10W6v3-D4

Nominal Impedance:

 4 ohms mono

Continuous Power Handling:


1200 Watts

P O W E R   R E C O M M E N D A T I O N

JL Audio recommends using a high quality amplifier such as the JL Audio HD750/1, HD1200/1& 1200/1V3  


The diagram below shows the recommended crossover, infrasonic filter and equalizer settings for the 1200/1V3 

when being used to power your Stealthbox



The JL Audio 1200/1V3 is a very versatile audio component.  Please consult the owner’s manual for even more 

detailed information about installing and tuning this amplifier.

M I D / H I G H   F R E Q U E N C Y   D R I V E R   F I T M E N T

A variety of JL Audio coaxial and component systems will fit in the factory speaker locations of you vehicle.

Front Speaker Size / Location:

 6 x 9 / Front Doors

Fits JL Audio Models:


TR690-TXi & C2690tx

Rear Speaker Size / Location:

 5.25-inch / Rear Door 

Fits JL Audio Models:


TR525-CXi, C2525x & C3525


