8) After use, open the drain valve on the bottom of pool to drain water. Open and
squeeze base of valves to release air, or insert a slim object such as a deflation tube to
hold valve inner stopper open. Being careful not to puncture your product or force air out
of product. Allow air to escape slowly and naturally.
9) Modifications made by the consumer to the original activity toy shall be carried out
according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Please do not use the rope or net that
the minimum diameter less than 2mm or the maximum length more than 30cm.
It is necessary to carry out checks and maintenance of the main parts (crossbeams,
suspensions, anchors etc.) at regular intervals, if these checks are not carried out the
activity toy could overturn or otherwise become a hazard.
Replace defective parts in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
It is of particular importance to carry out the maintenance operations and follow and
respect the supplied recommandations at the beginning of each season as well as at
regular intervals during the usage season.
3) Change the water of paddling pools frequently(particularly in hot weather) or when
noticeably contaminated,unclean wa
ter is harmful to the user’s health.
4) Clean the product with clear water, then leave it in shady and cool place for airing,
fold it into original package and place it indoor for next use.
Caution: Do not use the
alkali or acid detergent to clean product! Do not leave product exposed under
sunlight directly because it will shorten the using-life of product.
(Small pinhole and small puncture leaks can be
repaired with the included repair patch)
a) Locate the leak place.
b) Deflate and drain the water.
c) Clean the area surrounding the leakage and wipe up all water from the surface.
d) Take out the repair patch, cut it into required shape and size, which should be litter
larger than the leaking area, put the patch on leaking area and press firmly.
e) You can use it again after 24 hours drying of the repaired position.
If the damage is bigger than 1” (2.5cm), we recommend using a Silicone or rubber
based glue for repair. Please read warning statement on glue prior to use.
Shanghai Jilong Plastic Products Co. Ltd.
No. 460 Lanxue Road, Huanglou, Pudong Area, Shanghai, 201205, P.R. China
Tel: +86-21-58942200 E-mail: [email protected] Web: