GUIdelIne FOr QUICK sTarT —
sTarT YOUr Car!
beFOre sTarTInG YOUr Car wITH a sTarTer
• This device is provided ONLY for cars with car-system voltage equal to 12V! Do not use it for other
car-system voltages (6V, 24V etc.)
• Read the Transport Vehicle User’s Manual: manufacturer of a car can include specific warnings
and instructions regarding starting engine from starters that you should know.
• For cars fitted with automatic transmission — move the transmission control lever into “PARK-
ING” position and raise a parking brake up. For cars with manual transmission - move the lever
into neutral position and raise a parking brake up.
• To provide optimum operation of “JIC” device and secure vehicle electronics, one should switch
off all electronic equipment of a car (an air conditioner, heating, radio, lighting, charge devic-
es etc.).
• Disconnect all USB-devices and/or equipment intended for charging that is connected to “JIC”.
• Make sure that there is no humidity on the accumulator terminals of a car, on connecting wires of
“JIC” starter as well as on the device itself.
brIeF desCrIPTIOn OF JIC-18 UnIT
Starter connector to connect
12V powered clamps
Input terminal to charge a device 15V/1A
Battery indicators
5V/2А output USB-connector to connect
devices with power supply voltage 5V
(cell phone, mp3 player etc.)
19V/3.5А output connector
(to charge laptop, netbook)
5V/1А output USB-connector to connect
devices with power supply voltage 5V
(cell phone, mp3 player etc.)
12V/10А output connector to connect
devices with power supply voltage 12V
(cooling box etc.)
”Power on” button (to press for a short
period of time to power a device)