aFTer-sales serVICe reCeIPT:
retain copy of sales check and register your purchase at the
address: jic.energy/register to activate warranty. Rejection to register your products and provide
documents confirming the sale can result in warranty cancellation. To receive after-sales service
you should contact our specialist for JIC company clients servicing:
• via E-mail: [email protected]
• in online mode: jic.energy/support
dO nOT reTUrn THe PrOdUCTs On warranTY TO YOUr sUPPlIer.
Prior to communicating
with a specialist make sure that you have wrote down model name and its serial
number. Our specialist will explain how to return the defective products for after-sales service. JIC
company is to be notified regarding a claim within warranty period in the written form, JIC compa-
ny is to receive defective products within 10 days after the day when the consumer has notified it
about claim occurrence.
warranTY dOes nOT COVer
1. Absence of warranty certificate for the moment of product delivery for repair, improper, in-
complete filling or availability of alterations which are not signed off by the Seller in the warranty
certificate. Absence of the Purchaser’s signature in the warranty certificate.
2. Serial number on the product is deleted or changed.
3. User’s non-observance of the stipulated operating instructions and unintended use.
4. In case of the product damage occurred due to climatic events or natural calamities, improper or
neglectful transportation, non-observance of service instructions, improper storage, negligent han-
dling, mechanical or chemical effect, use of low-quality operating consumables and expendables
and those which do not conform to consumables and expendables specified in the accompanying
5. If technical characteristics of the product are deteriorated due to its natural wear, including use
of low-quality operating consumables and expendables and those which do not conform to con-
sumables and expendables specified in the accompanying documentation, heavy use, overloading,
including consumer-grade products used for commercial (professional) purposes, untimely or
low-quality maintenance regardless quantity of worked hours and service life of a product.
6. Previous repair or maintenance of a product has been performed improperly or by the unautho-
rized persons; there is no appropriate mark in the warranty certificate. Availability of dismantling
signs or other design alterations not stipulated by documentation as well as factory-made adjust-
ment disturbance. Use of not-original spare parts and attachment of the manufacturer. Provision of
a product in disassembled state. Modification of a product in any way and by any means.
7. In case of untimely notification about revealed failures, the Selling Company reserves the right to
fulfill the laid claims in whole or in part.
To solve issues under warranty liability of the purchased product, which is a complex technical
product, the Purchaser first of all is to contact with the Selling Company specified in the warranty
responsibility for damage caused due to non-observation of this instruction will be incurred by the
Purchaser to the full extent.
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