Rev 0, 7-27-06
Page - 9
11 - JFW Test Program
Nothing needs to be installed onto your computer in order to run the JFW test program. Just copy
the executable file (50MS-192.EXE) from the CD that comes with this manual to any location on
your computer. Run the executable file 50MS-192.EXE to start the program.
The test program can be used to verify functionality of the 50MS-192. A picture of the test program
is shown below. Before exiting the program, it is a good idea to close any connections you have
made while using the software.
The test program allows the user to control the 50MS-192. It shows the commands as they are sent
and the responses from the unit. It allows the user to set an attenuator to a specified attenuation
value or keypress through the attenuation values and set paths in the matrix. You must enter the IP
address (that you have programmed into the unit via the Ethernet programming port on the back of
the box) into the IP address window. The port default setting is 3001. The commands are very
straightforward, just enter in the attenuator value and setting in the appropriate blanks and click.
You will see the command you sent in the Data Sent window and any response in the Data
Received window. There is no response to the “set attenuation” or “set input” command. These
commands can be verified by a query of the attenuation value or input port using the “RA” or “RI”