6.2 Diagnostics by JX3 Module Registers
The error bits of the individual JX3 modules are always displayed in the JX3 module
register 0. An error bit, respectively a collective error bit remains only set as long as the
cause of the error exists.
Operating System Release
Module Register
The operating system release of the JX3-BN-CAN module in
the "Major.Minor.Branch.Build" format
Access Read
Value Range
32 bits
Value After Reset
Up-to-date operating system release
A released operating system can be recognized by both
Branch and Build having got value zero. For displaying the
operating system release number in the setup window of
JetSym, please select the format "IP address".
Example: Displaying the Operating System Release Number as an IP
Address in the Setup Window
The operating system release number of a JX3-BN-CAN module is displayed in a setup
window of JetSym. The JX3-BN-CAN module has been connected to a JC-24x controller.
The operating system release number can be read via register 3319 (2).
The format "IP address" has to be selected via the context menu of the respective line.
The operating system release number is now displayed with dots as separators.
Figure 3: SW version, displayed in the format of the IP address
The operating system release number (3) is displayed in the variable
st_JX3_BN_CAN.nm_Version (1).
Jetter AG