March 2020
Section 5: Operation
Never tie or wedge the gun triggers in their closed position
or tap into the control valve’s air cylinder directly. This renders the dump
mode useless as a safety if the operator slips or otherwise loses control
of the gun and needs to relieve the system’s pressure by releasing the
5.1 Do not connect multiple dump type control guns together to a single
high-pressure water source without the use of a multi-mode control valve
for each gun to make each gun operator independent of the other opera-
tors. Call Jetstream for assistance if two or more Tornado Guns must be
used in the waterblast system.
5.2 Make sure that the oil flow through the Multi-Mode Valve from the
oiler is set correctly. To set the oiler, close off the flow control knob by
turning it clockwise, then turn the adjustment knob counter-clockwise
approximately 2 turns (or visually confirm 1-2 drops every 5 seconds
while blasting). See PI-121, 40K Multi-Mode Valve.