March 2020
Use wrench flats (when available) or a properly adjusted
smooth jaw plier wrench (JS PN 64119) to tighten nozzle. Avoid using
pipe wrench as wrench marks will cause nozzles to crack and fail.
7. Blocked orifice(s) can cause excessive system pressure and failure. If
orifice(s) appear clogged or partially blocked with dirt or debris, remove
nozzle from MagJet and clean immediately.
Remove nozzle from service if:
A. Nozzle is split or damaged;
B. Nozzle sidewall is worn by more than 25% at any point;
C. Nozzle’s ability to hold pressure is questionable
D. Threads are missing or damaged
Read General Safety
section prior to installing fittings in system.
2. Use non-brass or non-cast iron fittings which are made for high
pressure waterblast use.
3. Use only high pressure fittings which are clearly marked with the
operating pressure.
4. High pressure fittings should have a known burst rating of not less than
3.0 times system operating pressure. Never use a damaged or corroded
fitting or one with damaged or missing threads.
5. Use only high pressure rated fittings and hose in the waterblast
system. For 40,000 psi waterblast service all fittings and hose should
have a minimum burst rating of 100,000 psi.
6. Use wrench flats (when available) or a properly adjusted smooth jaw
plier wrench (JS PN 64119) to tighten fittings. Avoid using pipe wrench as
wrench marks will cause high pressure fittings to crack and fail.
Read General Safety
section prior to repairing equipment and
installing replacement parts.
2. Only trained persons should be authorized to perform maintenance or
repairs to equipment.
3. Read and follow all manufacturer’s repair instructions. All tool, torque,
clearance and lubrication recommendations should be followed.
4. During replacement of any part, inspect mating part for wear and
replace if necessary.
5. Do not attempt to install or use a part whose dimensions, clearances,
function or use are suspect.