Operation of the DUPLEX system is very similar to a traditional FM
system. We recommend that you switch on the transmitter first and
then the receiver. The transmitter confirms the on state of the receiver
sounding a short beep. When switching off the system we recommend
that you switch off the receiver first and then the transmitter.
Wrap the receiver with soft foam and position it as far as possible
away from potential interference sources (servos, electric motors,
ESCs). Orient the active ends of the antennas 90° from each other and
as far away as possible from each other. The minimum bending radius
of the antenna cables should not be smaller than 1 cm (.39”). The
active antenna parts must remain straight and should be kept as far as
possible away from metal or carbon fiber parts. If your model’s
fuselage contains large amounts of carbon fiber then the active
antenna parts should be mounted through the fuselage observing the
90° orientation.
Before you can use a new receiver with a transmitter or JetiBox Profi It
must be bound to your transmitter or JetiBox Profi. Because the data
stream between the receiver and your transmitter or JetiBox Profi is a
fully digital communication, the receiver’s unique ID must be recorded
into the device. To wirelessly bind a receiver to your transmitter
simply insert the bind plug into the Ext slot, supply power to the
receiver and then switch your transmitter on. Within a few seconds
your transmitter will automatically “see” the new receiver and ask you
to confirm its use.
Once the receiver is bound, remove the bind plug from the receiver
and disconnect the power supply. Your transmitter will continue to
beep as a warning if you forget to remove the bind plug once the
receiver is bound. It is possible to bind any number of receivers to
one transmitter. The receivers, however, can only be bound to one
transmitter at a time.
Telemetry Data Transfer in Real Time:
All of the receivers will automatically transfer the actual system
voltage supplied to the receiver without any additional telemetry
sensors. You can either connect a single telemetry sensor directly to
the receiver’s Ext port or you can connect several sensors by using