N. Tool Rest Body Lock Handle: (N, Fig. 8)
Locks the tool rest body in position. Unlock
handle to position the tool rest in any
location along lathe bed. Tighten handle
when properly positioned.
O. Tool Rest Lock Handle: (O, Fig. 8)
Locks the tool rest in position. Unlock the
handle to position tool rest at a specific
angle, or height. Tighten handle when
properly positioned.
P. Tailstock Lock Handle: (P, Fig. 9)
Locks the tailstock in position. Unlock
handle to position the tool rest in any
location along lathe bed. Tighten handle
when properly positioned.
Q. Tailstock Quill Lock Handle: (Q, Fig. 9)
Locks the tailstock quill in position. Unlock
handle to position the quill. Tighten handle
when properly positioned.
R. Tailstock Quill Handwheel: (R, Fig. 9)
Turn the handwheel to position the quill. The
tailstock quill lock handle must be loose to
position quill.
S. Tailstock Live Center: (S, Fig. 9)
Used for turning between centers. Quill
taper is MT-2. Remove live center by
retracting the quill until live center loosens.
Lathe Tools
If possible, select only high quality, high speed
steel turning tools with long handles. As one
becomes proficient in turning, a variety of
specialty tools for specific applications can be
acquired. The following tools provide the basics
for most woodturning projects. See your JET
distributor for a wide variety of JET woodturning
Roughing Gouge — used for rapidly cut raw
wood into round stock, see Figure 10.
Deep Fluted Bowl Gouge — used for turning
bowls and plates, see Figure 10.
Spindle Gouge — used for turning beads,
coves and other details, see Figure 10.
Spear — fine scraping and delicate operations,
such as the forming of beads, parallel grooves
and shallow vees, etc, see Figure 10.