Welcome to JET TECH "creating
endless possibilities!"
This manual was created specifically for service technicians. We
have included information to help troubleshoot problems and
facilitate resolving those problems, electrical schematics, exploded
views and detailed parts lists. General information pertaining to
our hi-temp ware washers will be covered in this section. Specific
information on our current models will be covered in separate sec-
tions, model by model.
While in the field, you may come across earlier generations of JET
TECH machines. General operation of these machines is similar if
not identical to our current models. However, certain parts may be
unique to these machines. This information is readily available
from our office. We have endeavoured to make this manual as
accurate as possible. If you find a discrepancy or can't find certain
information, please contact us. We will be glad to help you.
Updates and modifications will be issued as the information
becomes available.
7014 Cote de Liesse
Montreal, Quebec H4T 1E7
Tel.: 888-275-4534 (888-ASK-4-JET); 514-737-9701
Fax: 514-342-3854
e-mail: [email protected]