Copyright Jericho Lab. 2021
Explore. Measure. Understand.
5 of 16
- If using a smartphone, “host capability” and a corresponding USB adapter are required.
- Wire-stripper for 28 AWG wire size
In order to interact with the TDL, type in some of the following keywords at the top of the ‘Serial
Monitor’ window and then click ‘Send’. Note that the commands are not case-sensitive.
: The command ‘INTERVAL’ allows adjusting the acquisition rate of all active sensors. The
program will wait for the user to enter a value between 1 and 96 400 000 ms (24 hr). Enter the value ‘0’
to force maximum speed, which will vary depending on the number of active probes. The default factory
value is 1000 ms (1 second).
: The command ‘CELCIUS’ tells the device to display temperatures in Celsius (°C) units. Unit is
stored in the permanent memory (EEPROM) and will be remembered after a shutdown or reset of the
device. Celsius is the default factory setting. No confirmation or further instructions are required.
: Display temperature in Fahrenheit (°F) units. No confirmation or further instructions are
: Display temperatures in Kelvin (K) units. No confirmation or further instructions are required.
: Output resistance values along with temperatures. No confirmation or further instructions
: Print out the Steinhart-hart coefficients presently stored in the controller memory. No
confirmation or further instructions required.
: Erase the EEPROM memory and return to the factory settings (RATE 1000 ms, Celsius units). No
confirmation or further instructions required.
: “TPTPTPTP” , T stands for temperature sensor, P stands for photoresistor
: Relative humidity is calculated by post-treatment of the sensors data. A dedicated string
called humidity informs the micro-controller of which channels are dry bulb temperature sensors and
which ones are wet bulb temperatures sensors.
Letters (A,B,C...) identify the dry bulb temperature sensors.
Digits (1,2,3...) identify wet bulb temperature sensors.
'0' identify the channels which are not concerned with humidity measurements.
The factory setting is ‘00000000’.
Example #1: 'ABCD1234'
This is the maximum number of independent humidity measurements that you can do with one TDL
Example #2: 'AB001200'
This is an example of two humidity measurements and 4 channels not concerned with humidity
measurements (could be surface temperatures or