The Clark Reliance Corporation
16633 Foltz Industrial Parkway | Strongsville, OH 44149 | Tel1 (440) 572-1500 Facsimile: +1 (440)-238-8828
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Electrical Connections
Connect the 24 VDC power supply to the electronics module using the screw terminal block on the electronics module. A
typical wiring arrangement is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Wiring Diagram
For explosion-proof installations, wiring shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70, Article 501-
Shielded cable, twisted pair of 24 AWG or heavier should be used. Cable capacitance shall be less than 30 pF per foot.
4.1 Cable Specifications
Parameter Specification
Minimum Cable Size: 24 AWG or heavier (0.51 mm diameter)
Cable Type: Single pair shielded or multiple pair with overall shield
Maximum Cable Length: Twisted Pair: 10,000 ft. (3,048 m)
Multiple Twisted-Pair: 5,000 ft. (1,524 m)
4.2 Safety Recommendations for MTII4200 Transmitter
Always follow applicable local and national electrical codes and observe polarity when making electrical connections.
Never make electrical connections to the MTII4200 transmitter with power turned on. Make sure that no wire strands are
loose or sticking out of the terminal block connection which could short and cause a problem. Make sure that no wire
strands, including shield, are in contact with the electronic module enclosure. The electronics module enclosure is
grounded through internal circuitry and electrically isolated from the explosion-proof enclosure.
After completing the MTII4200 wiring, the system is ready to be checked out. Apply power to the unit. Using a DC volt-
meter, measure the voltage at loop #1 connections. The voltage must be 10.5V. If the voltage levels are too low, shut
down the system. Check for shorts, power supply voltage, and excessive loop resistance.
5.1 Loop #1 Test
To test loop #1 on a bench, move the float along the operational range of the MTII4200 transmitter. If functioning properly,
the output current will change as the float moves.
An output current of less than 4 mA or greater than 20 mA could indicate a problem with the MTII4200 transmitter.