General Information
Metal Frames and Coated Parts
For deep cleaning a low pressure steam cleaner can be used
Do not use organic solvents to clean Jenx products
Soap and water or antibacterial spray can be used
Daily cleaning: Wipe framework down with a damp cloth as necessary
Wooden Products and Parts
For deep cleaning a low pressure steam cleaner can be used
Do not use organic solvents to clean Jenx Products
Soap and water or antibacterial spray can be used
Check for breaks or splintering of the wood before re-issuing
Daily cleaning: Spray polish or wax polish can be used
Fabrics, Vinyl and PU (polyurethane)
Minor spills can be removed with a damp cloth
Spillages should be removed as quickly as possible after contact, dab the stain, do not rub
Do not over wet the stain
Do not use organic solvents, dry cleaning fluids, abrasive cleaners or industrial bleaches
Antibacterial spray or wipes can be used
Always ensure that the product is dry before use
Care & Cleaning