Temperature input check
Remove the temperature probe and apply a 10Kohm resistor across the pins of the temp input as
described in fig 7.2.1
Fig 7.2.1 Temperature input with connection detail
351 050/REV B/09-06
7.3 Reset Procedure
Performing a reset will return all options to the default values. It will not delete
stored data.
Remove AC power connector from the rear panel socket.
Press and hold the STO key.
Replace the AC power connector into the rear panel socket. The secondary display will
momentarily show E2 RST.
If this does not resolve the problem please contact the manufacturer or your local distributor.
7.2 Functional check
The measurement function of the meter can be checked using the enclosed BNC shorting cap
(009 146).
1) Remove the ATC probe if connected.
2) Set Manual temperature compensation to 25°C.
3) Remove pH probe and replace with BNC shorting cap.
4) Select mV mode the display should read ±1.
If the mV reading is greater than ±1mV perform a reset (refer Section 7.3).
To make measurements from this point refit the ATC probe and pH probe and calibrate the 3510
using fresh buffer solutions (see section 3.6).