Gear Change Quadrant Light
To gain access to this light it is necessary to move the selector cover up the steering column towards
the wheel. The cover is secured by three wing nuts which can be loosened from behind the facia.
When the cover is withdrawn, the lamp holder can be pulled to the left, out of its housing, and the bulb
Interior (Roof) Light
The interior lamp is mounted in the centre of the roof, and is operated by the opening of either door.
It can also be switched on at the light itself. The plastic cover is held in place by four tongues, and can
be removed by squeezing it in the middle. The festoon type bulb can then be changed.
Boot Light
To replace bulb, turn plastic cover through 90 and withdraw.
Warning Lights
The location of the four warning lights are shown on Fig. 1. To replace bulbs the following
procedure should be adopted :
Rear Demist
Remove centre panel by removing the two P.K. screws and withdraw bulb holders.
Remove facia crash pad and withdraw bulb holder.
Main Beam and Low Fuel
Withdraw bulb holders from rear of appropriate instru-ment.
A Motorola fully-transistorised push-button radio operating through twin rear speakers is fitted as
standard equipment. Full operating instructions are given in the separate manual accompany-ing
the car.
N.B. It should be emphasised that the small grille beneath the facia is
a loud-speaker, but is part
of the vehicle’s heating system.