The companion box between the front seats has a padded lid which is hinged at one side.
The rear lockers also have padded tops and open upwards, the hinges being on the inside edges.
Safety Belts
Safety belts of the single diagonal type are fitted as standard to the C-V8, Jensen Motors Limited,
believing that safety belts can make a significant contribution to road safety.
The belts are fastened at their lower ends to substantial eyebolts on the car chassis, and at their
upper ends to the reinforced grab handles.
The belts have snap-action buckles, which can be both fastened and released quickly and with little
effort. The buckle is fastened by pushing the tongue into the buckle until a definite ‘click’ is heard. To
release the buckle, the buckle flap should be lifted through approx. 90' when the tongue will be
automatically released.
All adjustment for length is made at the fastening end. The belt is tightened by pulling the loose end
further through the buckle, and sliding the cursor down the belt to take up the slack. To loosen the
belt the buckle should be held by the two black catches and pulled upwards.
Spare Wheel
The spare wheel is carried on a special bracket below the luggage boot.
The bracket is lowered by means of a slotted tube in the right hand rear corner of the boot. To reach
this nut it will be necessary to fold back the carpet, and the cut out piece of underfelt. A special
adaptor is provided in the toolkit, and this should be used in conjunction with the wheelbrace. The
nut should be turned anti-clockwise until the bracket has dropped far enough for the spare wheel to
be withdrawn. The spare wheel should be replaced by reversing this sequence of operations.
Paint Work
The car should always be cleaned using a liberal supply of clean water. It is essential not to ‘dry
clean’ the car, as this will produce scratches on the smooth surface of the cellulose. Grease and tar
splashes are best removed using a soft rag dipped in petrol.
An occasional application of a good class wax polish will help to preserve the smooth finish.
Leather Upholstery
The leather upholstery should require no attention save an occasional wipe down with a little soapy
water. Harsh detergents should not be used. If subjected to heavy wear, or harsh weather conditions,
the upholstery will benefit from an occasional application of Connolly Hide Food.
Floor Carpets
When they become soiled, the floor carpets should be taken out and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
They are held in by press-studs.
Two ashtrays are provided, one for front seat passengers, and one for those in the rear. Both ashtrays
are mounted in the central companion box. The forward one is covered by a chromed snap action lid,
while the rear one pulls out rearwards from the companion box. Both are removable for cleaning.
Lubrication of Body Parts
See “Service Lubrication”, page .
First Aid Kit
A compact but comprehensive First Aid Kit is supplied with the car. It is mounted under the lid of the
left hand rear locker.