Rubber track maintenance
C) Detachment of metal cores
The metal core functions as an adhesive for the rubber, especially between the core itself
and the steel cables. Detachment can be caused by excess track tension or by cable
breakage for the following reasons:
-metal cores have been rolled by a worn sprocket as
indicated in the figure. When this type of wear or
abrasion is encountered the sprocket must be
replaced as soon as possible.
This type of breakage, like that indicated in paragraghs A-B-C, leads to total functional
inefficiency and the track must be replaced.
D) Fatigue cracks and abrasion
1. Cracks at the base of the carved profiles are caused by fatigue due to rubber bending
caused by sprocket or the track-stretching wheel.
2. Cracks and bends on the edge of the rubber are caused
by maneuvering the track on concrete edges and curbs.
3. Cracks and abrasions in the rubber on the guide roller paths are caused by compression
fatigue of the rubber due to the weight of the wheel combined with operation on sandy
terrain or repeated sudden changes in direction.
4. Abrasion of the carved profile may be caused, in particular, by rotation on concrete or
gravel surfaces or hard surfaces.
Damage as indicated in paragraph D, points 1, 2 and 3, is not fatal for the track and the
track can continue to work even in the presence of gradual and progressive damage.
Continuation of the damage indicated at point 3 leads to exposure of the metal cores. If this
exposure extends for more than half of the circumference of the track then it is time to
replace the track, even though it can still be used.
E) Cracks caused by external factors
Cracks on the outside surface of the track (the surface in contact with the terrain) are often
due to contact with gravel, sharp stones, sharp materials such as sheet metal, nails, glass.
This type of damage is inevitable given the very nature of rubber itself, although the entity
depends on how the track used.
Cracks on the inside surface of the circumference and on the edge of the rubber are caused
by contact between track and the undercarriage structure or with sharp concrete edges.
Even though it does not look very good the track can still be subjected to severe working