Control panel
( t a r g e t p r e s s u r e ) s e t t i n g
The target pressure setting determines the pressure in the fluid line. The range is 30 to 42 psi; the default
value is 36 psi and works in most applications. Increasing the target pressure may improve performance in
large systems with much rise. Decreasing the pressure may improve performance if the heads are lower
than the base.
Set as follows:
1. Under the left display, press menu as required to display
2. Press enter to view the current value.
3. Use the up and down keys to increase or decrease the pressure.
4. Press enter to save the setting.
( i n p u t p r e s s u r e ) r e a d o u t
The input pressure readout displays the pump output pressure. Values range from 0 to 52 psi.
Display as follows:
1. Under the left display, press menu as required to display
2. Press enter to view the value.
( o u t p u t p r e s s u r e ) r e a d o u t
The output pressure readout displays the fluid line pressure. Values range from 0 to 52 psi.
Display as follows:
1. Under the left display, press menu as required to display
2. Press enter to view the value.
( p r e s s u r e t e s t t i m e ) s e t t i n g
The pressure test time setting determines the length of the leak detection cycle. It ranges from 3 to 20
seconds; the default value is 5 seconds. Lengthening the measurement cycle increases the ability to detect
small leaks, but too long a cycle will result in false leak detection. See “Diagnosing leaks” on page 27.
Set as follows:
1. Under the left display, press menu as required to display
2. Press enter to view the current value.
3. Use the up and down keys to increase or decrease the setting value.
4. Press enter to save the setting.
( p u m p t i m e d e l a y ) s e t t i n g
The pump time delay setting normally need not be adjusted. It determines the length of time the fluid pump
runs to bring the output pressure up to the target pressure. The range is 10 to 80 seconds; the default value
is 50 seconds.
If the target pressure cannot be achieved during normal operation, the system assumes the fluid tank is
empty and either switches tanks or shuts down. Increase the delay time if the system falsely detects an out-
of-fluid condition.
You may also want to increase the pump time delay if the base prime cycle is too short to bring the output
pressure up to the target pressure.
Set as follows:
1. Under the left display, press menu as required to display
2. Press enter to view the current value.
3. Use the up and down keys to increase or decrease the setting value.
4. Press enter to save the setting.
( r e s e t ) c o m m a n d
The left display’s reset command restores the base user settings to their default values. The settings
accessible from the right display are not effected.
(yes) to execute the command, or
(no) to escape.