H e a d l o c a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s
The Hydra head’s nozzle can reach 220°C (428° F). The heads must be positioned well out of reach of the
public, so that accidental contact with the head is impossible. Install the Hydra heads in dry locations that
• are not directly above publicly trafficked areas,
• prevent accidental contact,
• comply with all safety requirements listed in the section starting on page 3.
The Hydra heads require space on all sides for safety and ventilation. Ensure that there is a minimum free
space of 10 cm (4 inches) on all sides of the head, minimum 50 cm (20 inches) unobstructed airflow around
the air vents, minimum 60 cm (24 inches) distance to combustible and heat-sensitive materials, and
minimum 1 m (40 inches) free space in front of the smoke output nozzle.
B a s e l o c a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s
Locate the Hydra base in a dry location, on a level surface, with controlled access if operation is to be
F l u i d l i n e c o m p o n e n t s
The basic fluid line consists of the following
• 10 mm OD tubing
• 6 mm OD tubing
• 10 mm Tee connectors
• 10 mm to 6 mm adaptors
• 10 mm cap plugs
The following items are available as
• 10 mm self-seal connectors
• 6 mm self-seal connectors
• 10 mm inline connectors
B a s i c f l u i d l i n e c o n f i g u r a t i o n
Fluid flows from the base outputs towards the heads through 10 mm tubing. At points close to the heads,
the fluid branches off through Tee connectors into 6 mm OD tubing connected to the heads. For examples,
see the system diagrams on pages 30 - 32.
When building the fluid line,
• connect no more than 8 heads to a single fluid output,
• keep the 6 mm runs to 10 m or less,
• keep the rise to 20 m or less,
• keep the total length (of a single run) to 90 to 150 m as specified under “Fluid line limits” on page 10,
• avoid 'blind' runs. (These create air locks that cause problems with the leak detection system.)
To make it easier to drain the fluid line, try to configure it so that the end of the 10 mm line is at the high point
and accessible so the plug at the end can be removed to allow air into the line. If building a ring, you can
insert a Tee connector and cap plug at a convenient spot at or near the highest point.
T o u r i n g f l u i d l i n e c o n f i g u r a t i o n
The optional self-seal connectors greatly ease setup when touring because the connectors close when
disconnected to keep fluid in the line. To make a fluid line for touring, configure the line as described above
with the following additions.
• Install 6 mm self-seal connectors in the lines between the Tee junctions and heads.
• Install 10 mm self-seal connectors at convenient points in the main line. Up to five 10 mm self-seal
connectors may be used in each line.
See the example diagram of a touring system on page 30.
F l u i d l i n e c o n f i g u r a t i o n
e c
l c