JOBNAME: CHRY OM INTL (Conten PAGE: 244 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jun 4 10:52:37 2010 SUM: 51F1383C
are recommended. Using gasolines that have
these additives will help improve fuel economy,
reduce emissions, and maintain vehicle perfor-
Indiscriminate use of fuel system cleaning
agents should be avoided. Many of these ma-
terials intended for gum and varnish removal
may contain active solvents or similar ingredi-
ents. These can harm fuel system gasket and
diaphragm materials.
Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is
deadly. Follow the precautions below to pre-
vent carbon monoxide poisoning:
Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain
carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless
gas which can kill. Never run the engine in
a closed area, such as a garage, and never
sit in a parked vehicle with the engine
running for an extended period. If the ve-
hicle is stopped in an open area with the
engine running for more than a short pe-
riod, adjust the ventilation system to force
fresh, outside air into the vehicle.
Guard against carbon monoxide with
proper maintenance. Have the exhaust
system inspected every time the vehicle is
raised. Have any abnormal conditions re-
paired promptly. Until repaired, drive with
all side windows fully open.
Keep the liftgate closed when driving your
vehicle to prevent carbon monoxide and
other poisonous exhaust gases from enter-
ing the vehicle.
Use good quality diesel fuel from a reputable
supplier. For most year-round service, No. 2
diesel fuel, meeting ASTM specification D-975
Grade S15, will provide good performance. If
the vehicle is exposed to extreme cold (below
20° F or -7° C), or is required to operate at
colder-than-normal conditions for prolonged
periods, use climatized No. 2 diesel fuel or
dilute the No. 2 diesel fuel with 50% No. 1
diesel fuel. This will provide better protection
from fuel gelling or wax-plugging of the fuel
This vehicle must only use premium
diesel fuel that meets the requirements of
EN 590. Biodiesel blends that meet EN 590
may also be used.
The manufacturer requires that you must fuel
this vehicle with Ultra Low Sulfur Highway
Diesel fuel (15 ppm Sulfur maximum) and
prohibits the use of Low Sulfur Highway Die-
sel fuel (500 ppm Sulfur maximum) to avoid
damage to the emissions control system.