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Controller Operation:

The controller has nine modes which can be used. Pressing the "MODE" 
key will cycle through the modes until the desired mode is selected.
Below are details of the 8 modes available:

H1: High, constant, non-variable flow - max flow rate (13,000 LPH)

H2: Medium, constant, non-variable flow- 75% of max flow rate 
(9,750 LPH)

H3: Low, constant, non-variable flow - 50% of max flow rate (6,500 

Note: The speed setting (S1, S2, S3) has no effect on the above modes.

W1: Adjustable pulses and speed. Pressing the speed button will 
cycle from S1 = 100% of max flow rate, S2 = 75% flow of max flow 
rate, and S3 = 50% of max flow rate.  Adjust the controller wave 
duration knob to change the duration (left decrease, right increase) of 
the pulses and vary the size of the wave according to your tank. 
When the duration is set correctly, you will create a back and forth 
motion and form a gentle standing wave in your tank. 

Note: The speed setting (S1, S2, S3) has an effect in this mode only.

W2: The wave maker speeds up from a low flow rate to the 
maximum flow rate in approximately 8 steps and slows down 
similarly, with a longer on time on higher flows. This creates a varied 
flow pattern. Adjusting the controller wave duration knob will cause 
the duration of the individual steps to be lengthened/shortened. 
Adjust to form the wave best suited to your tank.

W2: The wave maker speeds up from a low flow rate to the 
maximum flow rate in approximately 8 steps and slows down and 
slows down similarly, with a longer on time on lower flows. This 
creates a varied flow pattern. Adjusting the controller wave duration 
knob will cause the duration of the individual steps to be lengthened/
shortened. Adjust to form the wave best suited to your tank.

Else: Reef Stream Mode, a random flow cycle that randomly 
increases and decreases pump speed and duration. This creates a 
random flow cycle similar to what you would find in a natural reef.

Feed: Press the 'MODE/FEED' button for 5 seconds, the blue '10min' 
light will illuminate indicating that the pump has been stopped for 10 
minutes. When the time has elapsed, the light will go off and the 
pump will be turned back on. Alternatively, press the 'MODE/FEED' 
button again for 5 seconds to start the pump.

Wave duration adjustment
