ANT-5 Printout of Result Documentation
M. Hilz File: H:/TSCQ/Tac/Geraete/ANT-5/Datatransfer/ANT5_Resulttransfer.doc
4.) Transfer of results via CF-Card (Compact flash)
ANT-5 hardware version 01 requires a PRETEC Compact Adapter and software version of at
least vers. 8.7.3.
Available file formats for transfer are of the type:
ANT-5 Configuration file
ANT-5 Result file
.BMP ANT-5 Screenshot (bitmap file)
ANT-5 Result file (comma separated value type file)
To store one of the above mentioned files onto a CF-Card, go to the Application Launcher screen
Open the Application Launcher screen (ALT & ESC). Select File Manager.
Store the results you are about to print via the PC onto the CF-Card plugged into the ANT-5.