7 - 36
The home sensor is interrupted (Solenoid lever is in the home position).
The home sensor is not interrupted (Solenoid lever is not in the home position).
Condition of the Home Sensor
Stack in Sensor
LED1 turns "ON", when detecting bill.
LED1 turns "OFF", when detecting no bill.
LED2 turns "ON", when detecting no
stacker box.
LED2 turns "OFF", when detecting no
stacker box.
LED3 turns "ON", when detecting
key lock.
LED3 turns "OFF", when detecting
release of key lock.
LED4 turns "ON", when detecting
interruption of home sensor..
LED4 turns "OFF", when detecting no
Stacker Box Detection
Key Switch
LED5 turns "ON", when detecting
interruption of the encoder sensor.
LED5 turns "OFF", when detecting no
interruption of the encoder sensor.
Stacker motor encoder
Pusher mechanism home
"ON" condition of Mode Display LED
"OFF" condition of Mode Display LED
Communication with stacker
Green LED turns "ON", during
communication with stacker board.
Green LED turns "OFF", when stopping
communication with stacker board.
"ON" condition of green LED (LD2)
"OFF" condition of green LED (LD2)
Solenoid Test
This is the test of solenoid lever operation. The solenoid lever moves in certain intervals.
(VM-30 Mode Display LED1)
5-10 Stacker Sensor Test
This is the test of sensor in SD3 stacker unit. The communication with stacker board is displayed on green LED
of acceptor unit.
(VM-30 Mode Display LED)
(Green LED on the CPU board)
When the communication with stacker board is normal, green LED blinks. When the communication error
occurs, green LED is OFF.