P/N 960-100928R_Rev. 3 {EDP #192692}
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Section 1
UBA-RC™ Series Banknote Recycler
General Information
Banknote Fitness Requirements
The following Banknote types may not validate
correctly, or can cause a Banknote jam and/or dam-
age to the Unit’s Transport path. Banknotes exhibit-
ing the conditions listed below and illustrated in
Figure 1-3 should be avoided:
Having excessive folds
Having excessive wrinkles
Adhering foreign objects and/or oil
Banknote Storage Requirements
The following conditions are required when placing
Banknotes directly into the Recycler Unit’s Bins.
1. Replace the minimum Banknote count as required
for Recycler initialization, so the Banknotes will
be available for use during a standard recycle
• The maximum number of recyclable Banknotes
in a Recycler Unit’s Bin should be:
Approximately 100 Notes if the Banknotes are
all new
Approximately 70 Notes if the Banknotes are
a mixed Street Grade level.
2. Do not use any Banknotes indicated in Figure 1-3
“Unacceptable Banknotes ” shown on this page.
3. Make one edge of the Banknote bundle smooth.
4. Verify that no curled or folded Banknotes exist.
5. Before placing Banknotes into the Recycler Bins
(especially new Notes), Flip-over and Fan-Flip
the Banknote bundle; then curve the middle of the
Banknote bundle to form a downward angled
structure (Figure 1-4
6. Verify that the Holographic image portion of a
Banknote is always at the front end of the inser-
tion direction (Figure 1-4
7. Make sure the denomination of each Banknote
bundle inserted is correctly placed in the same
8. Make sure the Banknote bundle inserted is of the
same denomination and from the same Country
when restoring by hand.
9. Insert the Banknotes being recycled into the
Recycler Unit’s Bins carefully until the bundle
reaches the very back of the Bin.
10. Verify that the bottom Note of a Banknote bundle
is not curled or folded when inserting the Bank-
note bundle into a Recycler Unit’s Bin.
Primary Features
Series Banknote Recycler contains
the following primary features:
Allows a high capacity, compact size,
Recycling Unit available for two (2) different
Banknote denominations
The Friction Roller System eases operation and
maintenance of the Recycler Unit
The Automatic Centering Mechanism allows
the Unit to read Banknotes ranging from 62mm
to 82mm in width: a maximum of 158mm in
length, and it will automatically center
Banknotes inserted obliquely to help improve
the acceptance rate
A secure Recycler Unit containing a Key Lock
is composed of durable, impact-resistant
plastic construction to assure safe and secure
cash handling.
The JCM patented Anti-Pullback Mechanism
provides powerful protection against Banknote
stringing operations.
Figure 1-3
Figure 1-3
Unacceptable Banknotes
Damaged Banknotes
Wrinkled Banknotes
Curled Banknotes
Folded or Partial Banknotes
NOTE: Do not insert more than the
above recommended recyclable
Banknotes as the count indicates!
Figure 1-4
Banknote Storage Insertion Cautions
Figure 1-4
Banknote Storage Insertion Cautions
Adjust shapes
before restoring