About the Product
Product and Component Identification
ROPS Data Plate
Machines built to ROPS (Roll-Over Protective Structure) standards have an identification label installed inside
cab, below the operator seat. A bolt on FOPS (Falling Object Protective Structure) is available which also
carries a certified label installed to the guard.
FOPS Data Plate
Do not use the machine if the falling objects protection level provided by the structure is not
sufficient for the application. Falling objects can cause serious injury.
If the machine is used in any application where there is a risk of falling objects then a FOPS must be installed.
For further information, contact your JCB dealer.
The FOPS has a data plate attached. The data plate indicates what level of protection the structure provides.
There are two levels of FOPS Level I is standard:
Level I Impact Protection - impact strength for protection from small falling objects (e.g. bricks, small
concrete blocks, hand tools) encountered in operations such as highway maintenance, landscaping and
other construction site services.
Level II Impact Protection - impact strength for protection from heavy falling objects (e.g. trees, rocks) for
machines involved in site clearing, overhead demolition or forestry.
Figure 9.
Figure 10.