adJuST releaSe device
On the draw bar of your pallet truck, you will find the control handle (117) which can be regulated
in three positions.
= handle down to raise the forks
= handle in centre position to move the load
= handle up to lower the forks
These three positions are pre positioned at the factory. If however they have been changed you
can adjust the settings accordingly.
If the forks elevate while pumping in the DRIVE position, turn the adjusting nut (104) on the
adjusting bolt (103) or screw (318) clockwise until pumping action does not raise the forks and
the DRIVE position functions properly.
If the forks descend while pumping in the DRIVE position, turn the nut (104) or screw (318)
counter clockwise until the forks do not lower.
If the forks do not descend when the control handle (117) is in the LOWER position, turn the nut
(104) or screw (318) clockwise until rasing the control handle (117) lowers the forks. Check the
DRIVE position to be sure the nut (104) or screw (318) is in the proper position.
If the forks do not elevate while pumping in the RAISE position, turn the nut (104) or screw
(318) counter clockwise until the forks elevate while pumping in the RAISE position. Check the
LOWER and DRIVE postion.
Your pallet truck is largely maintenance-free.
Please check the oil level every six months. The oil capacity is 0.4lt. Use hydraulic oil: ISO VG32;
the viscosity should be 30cSt at 40
hoW To exPel air From The PumP uniT
Air may enter the hydraulic oil during transportation or if the unit is tipped over. This may cause
the forks not to elevate while pumping in the
position. Air can be removed by doing the
following: move the control handle (117) to the
position, then move the draw bar up and
down several times.