JBL Professional, 8500 Balboa Blvd, Northridge, CA 91329 Rev A- -06/2020
Figure 16 (30°)
Figure 17 (45°)
Figure 18
VLA-C-SB2 For VLA-C125S Pull Back
VLA-C-SB2 as Pull Back at the bottom of VLA-
C125S must only be set at either 0 degrees or 90
Step 20:
Unscrew one of the eyebolts and move to the
center hole of the bar. Tighten permanently (Figure
Step 21:
For setting Pull Back at 0°:
Remove and discard the existing 2 bottom screws
from the subwoofer
’s mounting holes where the
(VLA-C-SB2) bracket will be attached (Figure 19).