Figure 6a.
Figure 6b.
Remove the top of the passive crossover by squeezing
the sides and lifting off the top. Mount the crossover
with screws or wire ties through the mounting holes.
Connect the wires between the crossover, and between
the woofer and tweeter as shown.
Position the "Lo Pass" and "Twt Frq" according to the
speaker you are using as shown in the callouts in Figure 7b.
Jumper Functions
Lo Pass (Low Pass): You may engage or disengage the
woofer low-pass filter with this jumper. Because the
natural rolloff of the P-532 and the P-632 begin at a lower
frequency than that of the P-432, this jumper should only
be in the "on" position when the P-432 is being used.
Twt Lvl (Tweeter Level): You may attenuate the level of
the tweeter's output using this jumper.
Twt Frq (Tweeter Frequency): Because the P-432 has
usable frequency response higher than that of the P-532
or P-632, the optimum crossover frequency for the tweeter
is slightly higher when the P-23t is used with the 4" woofer.
Note: For the most accurate sound reproduction,
the jumper positions should be set according to JBL
recommendations. If an alternate setting better suits
your preference or works better for your particular
installation, you may position the jumpers as you like
without affecting your warranty.
Note: You may upgrade the performance of the P-432,
P-532 or P-632 (when it is used as a multielement speak-
er) by utilizing the passive crossover contained in the
P-Kit and leaving the tweeter mounted on the woofer.
Surface-mounting the P-23t.
Flush-mounting the P-23t (use a hole saw to cut a 1-9/16"
hole in the mounting surface).
Figure 7a.
Figure 7b.
Mounting the tweeter (P-23t), as shown in Figures 6a
and 6b. The tweeter may be either surface-mounted or
flush-mounted with parts supplied in the P-Kit.
Connecting the woofer and tweeter to the
passive crossover, as shown in Figures 7a and 7b.
P-Series Owner's Manual 5/25/99 9:46 AM Page 6