Turn off the controller, check the lever, make sure the lever is not bent and broken, and
be sure to retiun to it when you release it. Check the nibber base of the lever for
damage. Just check the base and do not repair it. If you have any questions, please
contact your dealer:
1. Daily check
Disconnect the controller coimector and charger comiector fiom the batteiy compait-
ment. check the connection and for corrosion. If necessary, please contact tlie dealer:
Make sure that all parts of the controller are tightly connected to the product, do not
screw the screws too tiglitly:
Check the brakes. This inspection must be canied out on a level siuface and there must
be enough open space aroiuid.
Tum on the controller. After one second. check the batteiy indicator to make sure
the batteiy is powered.
Slowly push the lever forwaid to guide you to hear the "beep” of the brakes, and im-
mediately release the
lever. Ybu must hear the brake operation sound after each lever is pushed for a few
Repeat the operation tluee times to push the controller to the rear, left and riglit
sides for inspection.
Check the brakes:
2. Weekly check
3. Monthly check
4. Storage
Maintenance Frenquecy:
Check the anti-roll wheel for excessive wear and replace the wheel if necessary.
Check the wear of the front wheels and drive wheels. If maintenance is required.
please contact your dealer.
Check the front fork for wear and looseness, which may indicate that adjustment is
needed or the bearing needs to be replaced. Please contact the dealer for repair, or
Keep the product clean and do not leave debris, such as food, beverages, residues,
This product should be stored in a cool and dry environment. Do not store it at the ex-
treme temperature. If it cannot be stored under the above conditions, it may cause rust-
ing of the wheelchair, and damage to the electrical system. Storage conditions: tempera-
ture: -40 ~ +65 degree C
Relative humidity: W80%
Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa