To light your new Starfire insert you will need a supply of dry newspaper, dry and finely chopped kindling
wood and dry firewood pieces. Your Starfire insert has two baffles and this is one of the reasons why it has a
very high heating efficiency. This does also mean there is a possibility that the fire may take a little more
starting than you are used to.
We recommend that the fire be set with ample newspaper, not screwed up too tight, an ample covering of
dry kindling wood, cross stacked to ensure quick and easy combustion, then 3 or 4 small pieces of dry fire-
wood over this.
NOTE This should be done at the back of the firebox as shown in the photo below to prevent smoke roll out
before the fire has started to draw. This is because the baffle opening is located at the back.
Light the fire in two or three places across the front. Do not fully close and tighten the door but let the door
rest against the latch so it is open a small amount. Leave the door in this position for 3 to 4 minutes until the
fire has obviously caught and will maintain combustion with the door now fully closed and tight.