Gouging creates a smooth, clean concaved groove within the material being gouged which is often weld ready. This process is primarily used
for weld removal or back gouging.
Gouging has specific consumables and settings depending on the gouge you need to produce which include the gouging tip, shield cup and
gas distributor that would be specific to gouging.
To begin the gouging process, hold the tip of the torch approximately 12mm from the workpiece angling the torch approximately 20°
40° to
the surface, engage the pilot arc and once established slowly move the tip closer to the work piece until the main arc has transferred. Once
the main arc is established, retract the tip until the distance from the work piece to the tip is approximately 15mm.
Make sure that you keep the tip of the torch angled approximately 20°
40° during this entire gouging process.
To create a narrow u
groove in the workpiece, the operator should maintain a constant, smooth travel speed.
With this technique the gouge created will be approximately 6mm wide by 6mm deep but this may depend on the gouging tip profile.
To create a wider groove, you can oscillate the plasma torch side to side in a half
moon sequence while maintaining a constant, smooth
travel speed. The gouge created will be wider but not as deep. Due to the nature of the gouging process, lead covers, gouging deflectors
and torch covers are some accessories that will help to protect the equipment used in the gouging process.
Gouging can be done on all conductive materials.
Before you start gouging, check the torch, consumables, and cables for excessive wear and damage. If the electrode, swirl ring or the cutting
tip orifice shows signs of wear and tear, replace it with a new component that is sized correctly for your unit and application. Cutting or
gouging with worn
out consumables only leads to poor cutting/gouging performance.
Use clean, dry workshop air (install a filter if necessary) and match pressure and flow requirements to those of the plasma cutter. Adjust the
gas pressure on the machine according to the owner
s manual. For torch leads longer than 6m, add 4 PSI for each additional 6m. Setting the
pressure when the air is flowing through the torch will ensure that you have proper pressure and airflow while cutting.
Plasma Cutting Techniques
Wilkinson Star Technical